
Showing posts from August, 2011

Fist day winding down

Alright, first day is over. Went okay for what it was. Enjoying sons ice cream cake he wanted for his birthday and then getting ready for tomorrow. Then looking forward to a trip into the woods on the 19 and 20 with my dad and son. If I can swing it I might get a trip into the woods with my wife too. Only problem there is the sleeping conditions are rough, such as sleeping in the bed of a pick-up or something like that. anyways, I will be testing the posting limit for one post here in a couple days. I am looking forward to it and think you will enjoy it.

Hello there

Well, apparently my old "blog" is no more so I will try to use this one. No it is not going to be updated every day Like I will try to accomplish. This is mostly to express thoughts, ideas, and other randomness. Thinking back to my last site and where I left off...... I have a lot to catch up on. I will do what I can, but am looking at this as being a "start over". For those who read this.... Thanks for stopping by. If you come back again, Thanks for that as well. Just know that I appreciate your taking the time to read this.