So today I had a kind of epiphany. WE choose how things affect us daily, if not hourly or by the minute. Just like everyone else in the world, I have events, comments, attitudes, and people who get on my nerves or upset me. Make me frustrated or angry even. Pretty dumb that today on my way to work I got thinking about it. It dawned on me that I was choosing how it all affected me. Sure it is easy to get upset with people when they do not do what you think they should or would like them to. It's just as easy to ignore the times you do not meet your own expectations for yourself. So my thought was, if I can ignore/forgive myself for my failings, why can't I just as easily forgive others. Answer? MY PRIDE!!! Duh.. I wanted something to be done the way I wanted or wanted to be able to do what someone else got to do instead of them. Pretty much placing myself as the most important. Sigh, so much time lost to stewing over the issues instead of saying "Meh, it dosen't real...