So this morning while praying, I said something that God pointed out to me as being the wrong thought process..... Successful service... What is successful service? To often I think we compare the "success" we are having in our service to God with others around us. Sure we may seem to be more "successful" than others and less "successful" then others depending on who we compare ourselves too. For example, I used to run a bus route. For too long I looked at my route and what I was accomplishing as a failure because I was not bringing in the numbers so many other routes were. I looked at my being a leader of the route as a failure because I was not being the Godly example I should have been for my fellow workers. Here in lays the error of that thinking. God has called us to serve. He did not call us to have a certian number to be concidered successful, He just asked us to serve in some area. This I think gets missed by so many people. I know that I for...