His Judgements.......
So missions conference is "long" past. Still have great reminders from time to time of what the theme was and on some of the sermons preached. Just recently we had another missionay come and spend a week in Alaska. One sermon that he had that has really caused me to reflect on many things in my life was on God's Judgement. Often when we hear the word judgement we instantly think of it as a decision being made in reguards to a penalty or conviction of a crime (well, at least I did). Looking the word up...... which is apparently something I do now...... I found this definition "A divine sentence or decision". This so went in line with what Bro. Maulucci taught. You see as he preached everything around us was a judgement (decision) made by God. From the beginning of creation, to the sending of His son to die for our sins, to the events that you face on a daily bases. This new insight that was presented to me opened up a whole new line of thinking. To be hon...