
Showing posts from 2015


I am against the ropes, I am looking for hope. My faith in Him, It is growing thin. I cry out the more; I am about to hit the floor. It is then I see Him standing there. It is then I see him showing such love a care. It is not over, it is not done. For there is a love that cannot be undone. I lose sight but for just a moment. I know He is with me. I know He is in it. I can stay in this fight. I know I can win it. The victory is His to have the glory for I come back from the ropes… I do hit the floor. But not in the way my opponent expects. Not in the way that would cause him to jest. I bend the knee and say a prayer, It is in this that the Lord meets me there. This fight is not over. This fight is not done. I have called on Him. He who has already won. He comes on with a force so much greater than I, For if it was me, I would surely die. My faith and trust, though it is small, is sufficient for him to answer my call. My opponent is...

Still Alive......

2014 is gone. 2015 is well on its way. Where do I begin? Where can I just get off the ride?  Life has it's ups and downs Sometimes happiness just can't be found. And when your at your emotional end. It all comes crashing down around you again.  I purposed at the beginning of this blog to keep it positive. I have done my best to do so. But there comes a point and time where you have to realize the truth of the matter. If you look at running an insight of who you are and how you think, then a blog can and will become silent for a long time. To be honest, that is what has happened here. I have allowed the "cares of the world" to bury me deep. Situations in life have me drowning in self pity and woe. I do not write to ask for pity. I do not write to ask for anything. I write to unload this weight I bear.  I look at my life and what I have gotten myself into and become sick. How did I get here? Why did I let it come to this? Am I that selfishly  driven that I d...