Beaten... bloodied.... battered... But not defeated
April 2017... Time sure does fly. I knew I had not posted in some time, but to be honest... I was not sure I would ever post again. Life... we all are living one and none of us are controlling it at all. Sure, we wake up every day and go through the routine. But what happens when "life" has an unexpected event happen? That is when you truly see how much control you really have. It is at this point that you learn that all you have control of is your reactions to it and that is just barely. For some, even our emotions are "out of control". I stand here today and can tell you... There are times that only God has gotten me this far. A couple years ago, I was hit with a storm that has done nothing but destroy. It has gone on now for some time. Every time I think that it is beginning to "lift", the clouds get darker and the raging storm around me beats against me some more. Any man facing what trials I have gone through would probably quit. I know because, I...