
Showing posts from December, 2011

You ever wish you hadn't....

So had another revelation this moring while reading Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." Okay great I get it.... love my wife, simple enough to understand..... Be not bitter against them.... okay so do not hold a grudge against them because they have more friends or are more outgoing.... HMM, no peace on that thought? So what does He mean here? I had no peace on my "definition" for the word bitter used in this verse. So much so that I finally scrounged around and found our dictionary. Was not to hard to find. I mean it is the size of a small brick.... ANYWAYS..... So I looked up the word bitter and here is what  I found: 1. Sharp. or biting in taste: acrid; like wormwood . 2. Sharp; cruel; severe; as bitter enmity . 3.  Sharp, as words; reproachful; sarcastic.    4.  Sharp to the feeling; piercing; painful; that makes to smart; as a bitter cold day, or a bitter blast.   5. Painful to the mind; calamitous; po...

Men need to pay more attention......

Okay, the title includes myself..... seriously.... So for some reason sleep was not allowed last night.... I finally gave up and crawled out of bed at 4AM and started getting ready for work. Was not a big deal because it gave me more time to read my Bible. I was able to read through all of Ephesians. So many of us know that Ephesians 5 talks to wives and husbands. As a man the first verses I would love to focus on are Ephesians 5:22-24. Preach to those wives....... but then I looked at the rest of the chapter... God used Paul to talk to the wives in three verses. He then spent the next 9 verses (Ephesians 5:25-33) speaking to the men. HHMM, wonder who needs the most help?? So it got me to thinking. The verses talk of how God gave himself for the church. Well, who is the church? Lets break it down. What is a church really? The church is made up of Christians. What is a christian? People (sinners) who have accepted the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus Chri...

And life continues....

Well let's see..... been days since I posted anything and much has actually happened. But I am at a loss for what to really say. Like you all I have good days and bad days. I hate to admit it sometimes but it sure seems like my bad days outnumber my good days. I can only assume that I am not the only one who feels that way. Moving on....... So been reading and I have been shown another issue of life that I have taken up as a "habit". Scornful... Hard to admit a sin sometimes, but then again if we do not confess them God cannot do a work in our life to help us overcome them now can He? I was not at all "surprised" by this revelation. To be honest I think God has been tying to point it out to me for some time now. But of course being human I either ignored Him or would not accept it as being a problem I had. However, when I was reading Proverbs 22:10, I was shown what else God could work on in my life if I would only confess and forsake this particular sin in m...