Men need to pay more attention......

Okay, the title includes myself..... seriously....

So for some reason sleep was not allowed last night.... I finally gave up and crawled out of bed at 4AM and started getting ready for work. Was not a big deal because it gave me more time to read my Bible. I was able to read through all of Ephesians.

So many of us know that Ephesians 5 talks to wives and husbands. As a man the first verses I would love to focus on are Ephesians 5:22-24. Preach to those wives....... but then I looked at the rest of the chapter... God used Paul to talk to the wives in three verses. He then spent the next 9 verses (Ephesians 5:25-33) speaking to the men. HHMM, wonder who needs the most help??
So it got me to thinking. The verses talk of how God gave himself for the church. Well, who is the church? Lets break it down. What is a church really? The church is made up of Christians. What is a christian? People (sinners) who have accepted the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus Christ as their personal payment for their sins. So we can say that the church is part of the body of Christ. People (Christians) are the body of the church. Therefore you are the church that Christ gave of himself for.
I had to contemplate this for some time to really start to understand it more.
So as a husband... What does God expect of me in relation to treating my wife? Well, what did Jesus Chirst do for the church?
He gave up a palace in Heaven for a manger. He gave up royalty for poverty. He gave up plenty for nothing. He sacrificed all for people. He gave and gave and gave. Healing, food, friendship, love, salvation... and what did he get in return? Rejection, mocking, abuse, disappointment, and death. So now, how are you as a husband? You meeting up with what God is saying we need to do as husbands?
Do not get me wrong here, I am by no means qualified to tell any other man how to be a husband. However, I think we can assist each other by pointing out what God shows us. God spent more time in telling men how to treat their wives because well.... we are hard headed. Moving the focus off of ourselves and onto our wives can be difficult sometimes. It is very hard to want to do nice things for our wife or to supply them with the desires they have and not want to get something in return. Or sometimes give up what we want in order to give them what they want or need. But Jesus gave us the example that it can be done. He gave all and received nothing for it but heartache. I can say this because he was the promised Messiah and the Jews (His chosen people) rejected Him.
I thank God for working in my life in this area. I have not attained anything. If nothing else I have been shown even more how much I have failed as a husband. For that Sarah (my wife) I ask your forgiveness. I ask Christ to forgive me of this failure (sin) in my life and to help me be the husband he commanded me to be. Men married or not... join me in realizing your fault and ask God to help you become the husband you should. He commanded it of us and will supply the grace to achieve.



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