You ever wish you hadn't....

So had another revelation this moring while reading Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them."
Okay great I get it.... love my wife, simple enough to understand..... Be not bitter against them.... okay so do not hold a grudge against them because they have more friends or are more outgoing.... HMM, no peace on that thought? So what does He mean here?
I had no peace on my "definition" for the word bitter used in this verse. So much so that I finally scrounged around and found our dictionary. Was not to hard to find. I mean it is the size of a small brick.... ANYWAYS.....
So I looked up the word bitter and here is what  I found:
1. Sharp. or biting in taste: acrid; like wormwood.
2. Sharp; cruel; severe; as bitter enmity.
3. Sharp, as words; reproachful; sarcastic.  
4. Sharp to the feeling; piercing; painful; that makes to smart; as a bitter cold day, or a bitter blast. 
5. Painful to the mind; calamitous; poignant; as a bitter fate.
6. Afflicted; distressed.
7. Hurtful; very sinful.
8. Mournful; distressing; expressive of misery; as a bitter complaint or lamentation.
1. acrid, biting, distasteful. 3. distressing, poignant, painful. 4. biting, nipping. 5. fierce, cruel, ruthless, relentless. 7.  acrimonious, caustic, sardonic, scornful.
I added the synonyms from another dictionary, but really does not matter because the proof is there that being bitter means so much more than I thought.
This made me realize just how much one little phrase in God's word can have a dramatic impact in your life. There are "definitions" for bitter that I never thought of.
For me this was a huge eye opener. I was shown just how much I have been "bitter" towards my wife and others. To God be the glory that I was willing to allow the potter to mold this lump of clay some more. I know one thing, I sure am glad tha God can give me the grace to deal with these painful revelations.
Contemplate what I found and see if God speaks to you at all. If He does, trust Him. He knows exactly what needs to be done in our lives and will give us the grace needed to accomplish the change. If not, well I have shown another area in my life that God wants me to work on and would appreciate your prayers.
By the way, you are free to comment on any postings here. If I am wrong I would like to know....


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