At the end......

So life will take you in directions you never thought they would. People will betray you. People will cause you pain you never thought you would have to face. How will you respond? How did you used to respond?
You can change the way you treat people when they are acting in selfishness and sinfulness, causing you hurt on levels you did not know existed. Most of the time we decide to lash out and strike back with our own "weapons" of pride, bitterness, and resentment. However, there is a better option. An option that only God can give you the power to accept. It will be a daily, hourly, or minute by minute choice to be made. God will bless you and help you as you make the harder choice.
I am in a place in my life where I have been betrayed on so many levels. The pain is immense. The injustice of it all is unbelievable. I am by no means a perfect man. There was only one perfect person and that was Jesus Christ. I have my faults, failures, and sins that I commit. I have seen the wrong, I have asked God to work in my life and am now letting Him. Forgiveness has been requested and yet, I am betrayed. I am looking to God for strength. I am looking to God for His working in my life and the lives of others. Only God can repair the damage being done now. They have to see it as well.

That being said, I know we all face trials in our lives. So yesterday (one of the worst days I have had to face) I sat down and wrote this. To help me focus and try to move my mind in the correct direction. The pain is not gone. The betrayal still exists, but God is with me through it all and He IS working. I have to believe that.
 So here it is from my heart and life to yours:

I stood there before him to be righteously judged;
The books were opened and showed a life that was smudged.
I had nothing to say but stand in agreement;
Of my actions in life that had brought such mistreatment.
I was tried and convicted of all I had done,
The world condemned me and had their fun.
What could I do? Where could I turn?
For the many in life that I had spurned.
I turned and headed towards my accuser,
All my life he had called me a loser.
Now he had won and his victory was sure.
I thought of my plight; there was no cure.

A stir in the back of the room caused great commotion,
For one was coming forth who commanded devotion.
He stood for justice and all that was right,
I was sure he came to secure my plight.
He took the stand and raised a pierced hand;
A hush fell in the room from this slight command.
He spoke in a whisper that sounded like thunder,
And yet the love he showed, it caused me to wonder.
He knows of my life and all I had done,
My time was now past and eternity begun.
What more could he add to my list of transgressions?
A life lived to often chasing after my obsessions.

He spoke of a life that could not have been mine;
For the person he spoke of was surely divine.
He spoke of love that yearned for expression;
Of dreams and desires never brought to possession.

He turned and looked at my accuser of old,
The look He had was stern and bold.
Because of you he struggled in life.
Because of you he faced such strife.
But when all in life had come crashing down;
He cried out to the one who forever wears the crown.
You cannot have him, he will never be yours.
I fell to my knees, my hands hit the floor.
He spoke of a time I had not forgotten;
A time when I had by Him been boughten.

He then turned to me and said with a smile.
Your innocence is sure. I walked your mile.
You faced some pains that no man can endure;
But you held onto me and my grip was secure.
There were times where you wavered and stumbled a bit,
But your life to me you did commit.
Your accuser is vicious and has quite the list.
He pummeled and beat you quite oft with his fist.
You were battered and buffeted and yet did persist;
To call out to me and my help enlist.
You looked for me when many others were in agreement,
You were too good and did not deserve such maltreatment.
A negative word you would not allow;
You stood for truth stating I would get you through somehow.
And now that your time has come to an end;
I want you to see the Lives that I was able to mend.
You made a choice with the accuser to contend.
You humbled yourself and would not pretend.
In bitterness, anger and resentment you would not descend.

The doors opened again and we all turned to see,
A long line of souls happy and carefree.
One by one they took the stand,
All spoke of courage that I did command.
That I would not flee from these battles unplanned.

I stood and I shouted for all to hear;
Let me speak truth, let me be clear.
I was not so great, I struggled as a man.
It was only by God and his strong hand.
I wavered, I fell, and my life was a mess.
Of sins a plenty I will confess.
The Lord looked at me with questions aplenty.
What sins do you speak of? I do not see any.
You forget my son,               
That victory was won.
The day you asked me to forever be;
Your Lord and Saviour. For you I died on that tree.

I grabbed the book and flipped through the pages.
It was all written there. My whole life in stages.
But on every page what did I see?
Forgiven! Paid For! This life REDEEMED!!

Oh what a wondrous day that will be;
The day I will see the one who has stood by me.
He has carried me more oft then I know.
His love for me He has continued to show.
I stumble. I fall. But I will continue to call.
To the one who has love eternal for all.


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