Continue to Strive

 We all have our own lives. For me, it has caused a stop in my posting anything for a long time. Many events have happened since I was last on here. I never forgot that I had this "blog". thank you to those who have read many of my past postings.

Once again, I have something for your reading enjoyment. I may not be great at having the scriptures at hand to back my words, but I know they are scripturally sound.

Combative Desires


The battle continues to rage in my mind

A reprieve from this fight I cannot find

Take stands for what I perceive to be true

Have plenty of scripture for strength to endue

But my mind I find is still on the proverbial fence

The desires I have are not wrong and very intense


Examples around me seem to show a different story

Lives I see being lived to give God the glory

Taking a path that to me seems contrary

To the truth of His word not being wary


I strive to seek guidance from a higher power

And still no assurance in this present hour

I have internal peace that seems to always endure

But a victory over this I cannot seem to procure


Others may be watching who know some of my trials

Looking for a current example of strength against fleshly wiles

A guide to show that God will always have the best in mind for us

Even when our own mind works at being treasonous

Once saved sins forgiven and remembered no more

Allowance to continue is not part of the score

A desire to stop and live righteously tis true

Temptations continue though I have a life anew

I see them now as an action against my Savior

So, the battle ensues against habitual behavior


Lord, I want to live my life as you desire

Victory through you I can only acquire

I know you have a great purpose and plan

Please keep me close to you as I am a poor man



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