Near Sighted

How often do we read Romans 8:28 and wonder how in the world the experiences we are going through could possibly be for any good?
Too often we are looking at God and asking Him to answer a prayer to our specific desire. This desire according to Gods word does appear to be in line with His desires. We do not look at the big picture or see the other things that God is changing in our lives during this trial.

In my previous post I talked about two possible paths in life that I have to choose from. I mentioned that my heart was leaning towards the one I believed was right. I still believe that there is nothing wrong with that path. However, As I mentioned in a "meeting" recently. I am standing at the beginning of this fork in the road and the light around me guiding my steps is not moving. I believe that this is the biggest frustration. The standing and not moving. But that is where God has me. Others in my life who are involved in the trial or are close to it are continuing on in their lives. So why am I at a pause?

Reflecting on my resent conversation, I can say that it is because I do not see the big picture. We see times where presentations are made showing a mess of painting or the back side of a cross stitch and wonder how that can amount to anything good. When the painting or cross-stitch is turned over, we are often amazed at the beautiful work that we are privileged to see. That is what God is doing in our lives. We are so focused on the mess in front of us that we do not think about the fact that there is a greater design being worked.

God has never promised us a perfect or trouble free life, and yet we are constantly getting upset with our situations because they are far from perfect... exactly what Christ promised us. We need to realize what exactly Christ went through for us. I mean really look at it. He did a lot of good things for mankind. Performed miracles, preached the truth, lived a perfect life, and paid the price for all our sins... and yet multitudes reject him.

So near sighted. I am looking at this fork in the road. I see nothing happening in my path. Not looking at what God has been doing in multiple areas of my life. I have been to focused on the results of a specific prayer for so long. I now look at it and see that God's direction may not be what I want. I have to say okay. I have to accept His plan. I see immediate troubles, hurts, and pain. But what is down the road? I do not know, I am too near sighted to see it. God sees the Big picture and I see the current view. Because of this I do not see what God is wanting to do in my life. I do not see where it will possibly affect another's life if at all. It's God life. I surrendered my life to His will when I accepted Him as my savior. He is working in my life to bring honor and glory to Him in His way. That does mean that some things I look at as not possibly being what God wants... might actually be what He desires.
How could this be possibly be? Well, as it was so recently pointed out to me, look at the life of Joseph. Nothing good happened to him, but it was Gods will. God may want the path for me that I am resisting because in the end it is what will be best for me.

As you struggle with the difficulties you are going through, realize that if you have chosen to allow God to work His will in your life, then that means you may have to take a road similar to Joseph. Take your hands off and remove your "demands" and let God have his way.

We are all in this together so to speak. If I know about it, I will pray that God strengthens you as He has been strengthening me.



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