Life's Ambitions
Prov. 16:9 A mans heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
We can often plan out our day, week, month, year, or life. We set long term goals and dreams and either head in those directions or continue to plan to achieve the outcome. There is nothing wrong with the setting of goals. However, we must not "write them in stone". How often have the ideas and plans you have set have gone awry? The life events that has been handed you, end up derailing your dreams and ambitions? It can become something that emotionally brings you down to the point of depression. You can end up loosing your temper and becoming angry at people or situations that have interrupted or brought to an end your desires. How foolish we are to think that we are in control. God allows us breath. God keeps our hearts beating. God gives us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
Oh we can plan. We can have hopes and dreams. But please remember that they are at the mercies of God. His plan for you is greater than anything you could devise. Often our desires are selfish. To make our future better here on earth. To have a life of leisure, wealth, or achievement of the "American Dream". God's desire is for our existence to be used to bring honor and glory to him. To lay up treasures in Heaven.
In the end, when you pass on into eternity, what good will the worldly wealth, ambition, recognition, or glory get you? What will your mark on this world have been? Who will really remember your "achievements" 15 to 20 years after you die? For most of us, no one. Throughout the annuls of time, very few people have been remembered for their contributions to humanity. Most have passed on and have been forgotten.
Take a look at your devising. Are you looking for this temporal gain? Is that your ultimate goal? We can change them. we can adjust our goals and allow the Lord to be honored in our lives. We may achieve some sort of recognition, wealth, or ease of life here on earth, but that is of the Lord.
Prov 16: 33 The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.
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