You ever wish you hadn't....
So had another revelation this moring while reading Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." Okay great I get it.... love my wife, simple enough to understand..... Be not bitter against them.... okay so do not hold a grudge against them because they have more friends or are more outgoing.... HMM, no peace on that thought? So what does He mean here? I had no peace on my "definition" for the word bitter used in this verse. So much so that I finally scrounged around and found our dictionary. Was not to hard to find. I mean it is the size of a small brick.... ANYWAYS..... So I looked up the word bitter and here is what I found: 1. Sharp. or biting in taste: acrid; like wormwood . 2. Sharp; cruel; severe; as bitter enmity . 3. Sharp, as words; reproachful; sarcastic. 4. Sharp to the feeling; piercing; painful; that makes to smart; as a bitter cold day, or a bitter blast. 5. Painful to the mind; calamitous; po...