Yes,yes..... I know
Ugh, it has been forever since I posted anything. Looking at all the previous posts that are here, you can see that I was going for a spiritually driven thoughts and comments...... for the most part.
That being said, I read earlier posts and cannot believe some of the things said. Good or bad, it just does not seem to be "my kind of thinking". And yet everything stated here has been from the heart. So let me be clear, I am no spiritual giant. I struggle with sins in my life just like everyone else. To be honest, I have allowed my focus recently to be on the "problems" in my life and not on the solution to it, that was finished almost 2000 years ago on the cross.
We constantly hear or are told of people who ask if God is all loving, why does He allow so many bad things to happen? The more I look at it, the more I realize that people really do not know. I mean, I am one of the fortunate ones to be born into a family that had me in church often. I have heard the word of God my entire life. This has placed me in a position where I just accept what scripture says as truth. Not everyone has been given that privilege. So, in some respects it is a valid question. How else are they to know about the grace of God? How are they to know that He did create a world with no "bad" in it?
Many of us have not done the things God commanded of us. We look at scripture and see the words "... Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.." and think, well that is a nice request, but I cannot do it. Two things about this statement. One, God did not ask... and two, your right.. you cannot do it. However, God gave you the power through Him to do it. We are a living sacrifice (constantly getting off the alter). We are also a vessel to be used by Him. When did a vessel ever be looked at to do anything on it's own? Example... you look at a Tupperware container and tell it to gather the leftover dinner and get in the fridge. What happens? Nothing!! See God looks at us and wants us to be a willing vessel. Just like the Tupperware has been designed to hold your leftovers, God has designed us to be used for a specific task. As the vessel we look at the request and say "I cannot do that!". If the Tupperware could talk... it would say the same thing. It wants too. It was designed too. It just has no power to do it without help. God knows that we want to do His command. He also knows that we cannot do it on our own. He even told us we will never have to do it on our own. "I will never leave you..." Those are words spoken by Him. And yet we super glue ourselves to the shelf. We continue to look at God and say, I cannot do it. We speak truth, but we either do not realize that God wants to accomplish it through us, or in our sin, we are afraid to step out and serve Him.
Sins in our lives are great, but GOD is so much greater. The spirit is willing, but the flesh can scream so loudly that we succumb to it's desires for sin. Does this make us a bad person? Well... yes! There are no good people. Sure, we can achieve being a "good person" in man's eyes, but in God's eyes there are none good, no not one. If we focus on what man thinks of us, then we can achieve a small fraction of goodness. But people do not see you and your actions 24/7. God does. He knows what goes on in your mind. He sees the desires that your heart has. Truth... they are all out of alignment with God. By worldly standards, even the most generous, or good person have selfish goals in mind. Sure, to us they appear to be great, but what would happen if you spent a full day, week, month, or year with them? You would start to see the "real person" that they are, and I am sure your opinion of them would change.
That being said, I read earlier posts and cannot believe some of the things said. Good or bad, it just does not seem to be "my kind of thinking". And yet everything stated here has been from the heart. So let me be clear, I am no spiritual giant. I struggle with sins in my life just like everyone else. To be honest, I have allowed my focus recently to be on the "problems" in my life and not on the solution to it, that was finished almost 2000 years ago on the cross.
We constantly hear or are told of people who ask if God is all loving, why does He allow so many bad things to happen? The more I look at it, the more I realize that people really do not know. I mean, I am one of the fortunate ones to be born into a family that had me in church often. I have heard the word of God my entire life. This has placed me in a position where I just accept what scripture says as truth. Not everyone has been given that privilege. So, in some respects it is a valid question. How else are they to know about the grace of God? How are they to know that He did create a world with no "bad" in it?
Many of us have not done the things God commanded of us. We look at scripture and see the words "... Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.." and think, well that is a nice request, but I cannot do it. Two things about this statement. One, God did not ask... and two, your right.. you cannot do it. However, God gave you the power through Him to do it. We are a living sacrifice (constantly getting off the alter). We are also a vessel to be used by Him. When did a vessel ever be looked at to do anything on it's own? Example... you look at a Tupperware container and tell it to gather the leftover dinner and get in the fridge. What happens? Nothing!! See God looks at us and wants us to be a willing vessel. Just like the Tupperware has been designed to hold your leftovers, God has designed us to be used for a specific task. As the vessel we look at the request and say "I cannot do that!". If the Tupperware could talk... it would say the same thing. It wants too. It was designed too. It just has no power to do it without help. God knows that we want to do His command. He also knows that we cannot do it on our own. He even told us we will never have to do it on our own. "I will never leave you..." Those are words spoken by Him. And yet we super glue ourselves to the shelf. We continue to look at God and say, I cannot do it. We speak truth, but we either do not realize that God wants to accomplish it through us, or in our sin, we are afraid to step out and serve Him.
Sins in our lives are great, but GOD is so much greater. The spirit is willing, but the flesh can scream so loudly that we succumb to it's desires for sin. Does this make us a bad person? Well... yes! There are no good people. Sure, we can achieve being a "good person" in man's eyes, but in God's eyes there are none good, no not one. If we focus on what man thinks of us, then we can achieve a small fraction of goodness. But people do not see you and your actions 24/7. God does. He knows what goes on in your mind. He sees the desires that your heart has. Truth... they are all out of alignment with God. By worldly standards, even the most generous, or good person have selfish goals in mind. Sure, to us they appear to be great, but what would happen if you spent a full day, week, month, or year with them? You would start to see the "real person" that they are, and I am sure your opinion of them would change.
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