LIfe is interesting......

So here I sit, now a member of the population with medical parts installed.....

Ever since I was a teenager I have had random episodes of passing out, dizzy spells, and seeing stars.
Recently, I had a very bad experience with a dizzy spell after a workout at the gym. It took me a good 30 minutes to get over it. This kicked off my wondrous adventure.
I went to my normal doctor and explained everything to him that I have had. He thought it best to have me see a cardiologist. I made the appointment and explained the whole experience that is my life dealing with this issue to him. He looked at the EKG that they took and everything looked good. My blood pressure was a little elevated so he decided to run two "tests". The first was an echo of my heart and then a tilt-table test.

This past Wednesday I had the echo done and everything looked good from what I was told. Of course I was thinking that it's all in my head or my diet maybe. Anyways, I went on with life and all until Friday when I had the tilt-table test scheduled.

I was at the hospital at 7:15 AM and shortly there after headed back for the test. Now I want you to understand something here. I was not concerned or worried at all about the situation. I know that my life is in God's hands and that the outcome would be what He desired. I was good with that.

Anyways, I had been praying that if there was something wrong, that God would give the doctors wisdom and show them what was wrong. As I was being strapped to the table and talking to the nurse, I was mentally still praying to God for His will in this.
The table was laid back and I chatted with the nurse for a bit. I was laying there for bout 40 minutes. It was then that they called the doctor in for the  test. They move the table from a laying position to a standing position. It is a very smooth motion used to try an trick the body to see if it compensates for the change correctly. So up I go.... 1 minute passes and nothing ...... 2 minutes....3 ........ 4..... 5.... at this point I am praying God please do what you see fit to resolve this "problem" I have. At this same time, the doctor is starting to prep the Nitro Glycerin spray which helps in causing a "sinking spell". The doctor wanted to wait till the 8 minute mark before administering the Nitro and laying me back down again for a round two. This is where it gets exciting (I guess). At the 7 minute mark (or very close to it) I here them prepping the spray and well God answered my prayers. My blood pressure (?) that is supposed to be around 70 or above dropped to 40 and well out I went. When  I came too I and the three people looking over me and I heard them saying he's coming around. Talking with the doctor, my heart actually stopped completely for 1-3 seconds before starting up again, but in a very slow state. He said that because of my history and the fact that he saw my heart completely stop, I needed a pacemaker.
It is now Saturday night and I have had the pacemaker installed. No major problems to this point, just some discomfort and pain around the incision.
Here is my point. God does love and care for us. Who knows how many times I could have actually died in the past during one of these episodes. I thank Him for answering my prayer and showing the doctor what was needed. I now have to deal with the recovery and not being able to lift my left arm above my shoulder level or head for a few days, But through God's grace and mercy I can deal with it.

Out of all this I want to give God the glory. HE did exactly what I asked. I was surprised at the results, but HE was not. HE loves me and is and will take care of me. Who knows what else I have down the road to face, but with God on my side holding my hand or carrying me through the tough times I will make it to his goal for me.



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