Are you a Prodigal?

I hope you read the link I posted in the last blog. If not, you can read it here The Prodigal Son

As a saved person you are eternally secure in your salvation. However, because God has given us a free will to choose to follow after Him or take our own path many of us end up being a Prodigal son.

As in the parable, we so many times decide that what we want is better than what God has for us. In essence, we ask God for what is ours and then head off on our own to enjoy our life as we see fit. Sure, for some time our life is great. We are enjoying the pleasures that we get from indulging in our fleshly desires. But as scripture says, there is pleasure in sin for a season. Sooner than you think, the joy is gone. There is nothing but regret, remorse, sorrow. The friends are gone. The carefree life is none existent. You now toil in your sin. You are a slave to the desires of your flesh. The sins you once "enjoyed" now control your every moment.
As time passes, your mind begins to go back to how your life was when you were following after God. Doing His will and following what He commanded you too do. You reflect on how many changes He had brought about in your life. You begin to yearn for that time again.

What will you do?

You have an option. On the one hand you could stay where you are and live a miserable life. As slave to your fleshes sinful desires and wants. Or on the other hand, you can go back to God. He never stopped loving you and is patiently waiting for you to come back. The problem is that we will often listen to our flesh or devil and believe the lie that God is mad at us. That He will never take us back because of what we choose to do. As I said, This is a lie. God (as the father in the parable) is standing there waiting for us to come back to Him. He wants nothing more than to spend time with you. He wants nothing more than the best for you.
I picture it in my mind like this....
You in the midst of your sin decide to turn back to Him (head back home). As you "travel" down the road to Him, you are battling the thoughts in your mind. The thoughts of God not accepting you. Thoughts of your not being worthy of His love. Thoughts of rejection. You are struggling. You may even stop moving in His direction. I can picture it though, God is standing there and sees you "in the distance". He sees you stop. Because of His love for you, I picture Him silently willing you to continue. It's like He is saying "Come on, you can do it. I love you. I want you to come back to me. You cannot do anything that will make me stop loving you."

And this is where it gets Awesome!! You get up the courage. You say to yourself. I will go back. I want this relationship with God again. I am tired of who I have become and what I have done.... and you take that ONE STEP towards Him.... AND HE RUNS too you! You hear me? HE runs to you. All you have to do is make that choice. In essence, that crying out to Him in prayer is that one step. His mercy and compassion for you is beyond measure. I may never fully understand it. But I have experienced it. It is never a one time deal. As a human being I have often made the sinful selfish choice. Why? Because I am weak and instead of looking to Him for my strength, I give in to the desire of my flesh. Yes, I see the hurt and pain it has caused myself and others. Can I go back and change it? NO, just like the prodigal son. I cannot change my choices of the past. But I can rest in the fact that, as the father, God will never bring it up again. He will lavish His love and care on me and accept me back as His son.

To be honest, this posting has been a tough one. I have so many different ways of saying what my heart feels about this topic right now that putting it to words on a blog is a struggle. I pray that it is clear. I know what God has done for me and He wants to do it for you too. If you have "walked away" from Him.... turn back. He loves you and will always accept you.


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