July News..... I guess....
So, what has been happening since camps ended. The constant battle of life mostly. I have had my ups and down like all people do, but unlike to many out there I have God on my side to see me through it all.
God decided to bless Sarah and I with another child. Honestly, I do not feel worthy of God giving us another child to raise, but I am trusting God to lead me in raising not only this new blessing but the three that he has already given me. It's funny how I had this feeling even before Sarah told me she was pregnant that we were going to be having another child. I thank God still for the undeserved blessings He keeps lavishing on me.
We are still "homeless".... So to speak. I believe God has done this on purpose. I believe that He is working on two different families directions in life and is answering two prayers with the same answer. My parents are going back to Fiji to serve our Saviour as missionaries to the souls over there again. During this time of "homelessness" that my family has been in, we have been blessed to live in the downstairs portion of my parents home. Being here or at my in-laws is not my choice by any means. We looked at getting a loan to by a house..... God closed the door. We have been looking for a place to rent..... God has given me no direction towards anything (in other words wait). Kind of hard to sit and wait, but if that is where God has been wanting me, then that is where I will stay. So, the time is possibly very short before they leave, they are going to be renting out their home. I believe that God has worked this out that I am to rent it. I have no direction to leave, so I am heading in A direction. If God points something else out, or leads me in a different direction so be it. As of right now, I am probably renting this place, but I am going to continue to check Craig's list and the paper for two more weeks. During this time, if I am not to stay here, God will lead us to one in these areas.
On the work front, same ol same ol mostly. Went to a company IT conference and got to stay in a very nice hotel. In no way did I fit the normal clientele for this place. We stayed at the Trump Hotel in Toronto, Canada. I can say, it was a blessing that God gave me that I again did not deserve. I have never stayed in such a nice hotel or had a hotel bed that was so comfortable. The city of Toronto (the part I was in) was pretty nice. It was nothing like my training week in San Fancisco, I hated that place. I could almost see my being able to live in Toronto. The city atmosphere there was totally different.
During this conference though, God used the time to open my eyes to people in general. I mean, to see the choices people have made and how they affect their lives. To see them trying to fill the whole in their lives with the things of this world (the lust of the flesh and pride of life) was sad. Sorry, but this is new to me. I have always seen this before, but was like oh well, their choice. But this time, I felt so sorry for them. They just need Christ and their search would be over. He could not only fill the hole, but He could give them the joy of life and peace they are truly looking for.
I was thankful that I got to go and meet people that I have had communication with, but had never met face to face.
On my spiritual front I have been in the fight daily. The Lord be praised that I have not stopped with my Bible reading, that is all Gods doing. He has given me A desire to be in His word every day. I have to be honest, I finished reading Isaiah yesterday and was so glad to be done with it. Mostly because it was a hard book for me to read for some reason. However, God let me see Isaiah 59 as a type of gospel of salvation. It sure seemed clear to me. When I was through (and this is a first) I stopped and thanked God for the Book of Isaiah and for showing me what He did throughout it.
In serving God, what a trip so far. Been allowed to work in the bus ministry on 105 for the time being. My task? Door nocking. Our success? Well, that has been in God's hands. But I do have to say that He gave me a couple of interesting experiences. First week, I was very nervous about door knocking again. God knew this and made it a pleasant time. No "confrontations" and was blessed to met a man who had visited our church before and said he would think about coming again. I did fail in not getting his name or his testimony, but God knows I am human and sinful. I did however realize this right after and confessed this failure to God and asked for His help. Week two, totally different. My son and I knocked on I think three doors total. Then I ran into someone that I think God lead me to. Spent almost two hours in conversation because of our churches sign and some things that my pastor chose to post. I attempted to leave multiple times, but God saw otherwise I guess. When we did finally say goodby, God had given me the opportunity to present the gospel 3 times. To God be the glory, it was not me in any reguard.
So, a lot more than I had realized has been going on. I seriously need to think about posting more often.....
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